A Stunning Sydney Proposal

These two tennis fans headed to Australia to catch some matches, but ended up engaged after a surprise proposal set against one of the most beautiful cityscapes ever! Read on for their adorable proposal story.

“The original inspiration for travelling was to explore Australia and complete the ‘tennis grand slam’ by attending the Australian Open, but secretly, I was planning a proposal to my college sweetheart! Sydney is a magical city and being native New Yorkers, we loved the buzz of the city life mixed with the laid-back beach vibes. The proposal perfectly captured by Flytographer with Sydney's iconic Harbour Bridge and Opera House in the background quickly became our favourite memory.

“Flytographer made the defining moment of a proposal truly memorable for a lifetime. I cannot express how beyond ecstatic I am of how perfect the pictures came out. The final product exceeded anything I could have imagined or hoped for. Flytographer eased much of the stress of planning the proposal with thoughtful tips and suggestions. I am so happy I found Flytographer to capture this special moment!” - Christopher

Flytographer: Lenise in Sydney

See more: couples - engagement - love - proposal - Sydney